Transcript of 2022 Awardee Robbie Khazan Video

2022 Awardee Robbie Khazan Video


Computer science is the future, but many kids aren’t being prepared for that beyond just employment opportunities.

Coding is also an important way of fostering creativity and problem-solving skills. At Kiddo Byte, we offer free computer science courses to underprivileged kids and expose them to the magic of coding. When I first started Kiddo Byte, we were a local organization, mainly focused around Boston. But over time, we’ve been able to expand our reach internationally.

One of the projects I’m most excited about has been Kiddo Byte’s efforts in Kenya. We built and set up a computer lab for an underfunded school. For two weeks straight, our class was a bubble of joy and excitement.

Every single student was eager to learn, eager to really just explore and put their ideas to life on the computer.

I felt like I had never had so much fun teaching before. We really formed intense bonds with each and every one of our students.

It was also really important that our impact would be sustainable. So in addition to the computer lab, we train teachers on the ground so they could continue to run classes in the computer lab once we had left.

I’m so proud of what my team and I have been able to accomplish and Kiddo Byte will continue to expand and reach more students worldwide.