Emanuelle Sippy: I am really motivated by an education system that recognizes young people’s voice and partnership that there are not decisions about us without us.
News Anchor Brian Williams: Tell us what you’re doing, where you live in Kentucky.
Emanuelle Sippy: The idea of our Coping with Covid Project is to inform action around making schools more equitable and change the ways young people are involved. We’ve designed and disseminated a survey that reached 13,000 students.
Hearing from so many students across the state, we saw the pandemic was truly affecting their social and emotional health, their home lives, the responsibilities that they were juggling and what support they needed.
News Reporter: The data is vital for the reopening of schools.
News Reporter: The Student Voice Team will present the findings to the Kentucky Board of Education.
Emanuelle Sippy: Presenting to the Kentucky Board of Education was a really important moment to ensure that young people are seen as co-equal partners in shaping the future of schools.