Transcript of 2020 Awardee Jonah Gottlieb Video

2020 Awardee Jonah Gottlieb Video


My name is Jonah Gottlieb. I’m the Executive Director of the National Children’s Campaign. I’m so grateful that each and every one of you for being here.

I have never once had to convince a young person to get passionate about politics. We don’t have to cultivate youth energy, we just have to harness it.

The mission of the National Children’s Campaign is to educate and empower young people to work with elected officials on behalf of our generation. We deserve representation in our government. We launched in July 2019 with a presidential video forum. We were able to get eight presidential candidates to submit videos, talking about the importance of youth activism.

Wanting to give a few words to folks at the National Children’s Campaign.

Sending email after email to these hugely influential people allowed us to get our foot in the door. And so what I can do now is give young people training to interact with elected officials, and we’re training young people how to actually write their own pieces of legislation.

Our team of high school students has written multiple pieces that have been introduced in the House and Senate, and all along the way, we’re bringing in thousands of young people to have a say in what goes on in our country.