Headshot Photo of Peyton Barsel
2020 Award Recipient


Project Trauma-Informed Training for Educators

Location Las Vegas, NV

Issue Area Education | Mental Health & Emotional Support

The CDC estimates 45% of children nationwide experience at least one Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE), which significantly increases their risk of developing physical, mental health, and/or social issues. However, only two states in the U.S. legally require teacher training to support students. When Peyton was nine years old, her father died suddenly. She was left to grieve and process the experience primarily on her own.

Peyton realized most educators lack the knowledge on how to support youth affected by trauma. She wanted to change that, so she created Trauma-Informed Training for Educators. In 2019, she drafted a bill in Nevada requiring training for teachers to support students who have experienced trauma. Peyton hopes to continue legislative advocacy and facilitate training across the nation through her nonprofit, ACE Aware.

Peyton standing at a podium with a microphone.

Trauma-Informed Training for Educators

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Trauma-Informed Training for Educators organizes legislative action and provides teachers with training to support students who have experienced trauma.